4 Eden Services
At 4Eden we have a wide range of services that enable our children, young people and adults to learn skills, build their confidence and reach their potential. Our services are offered on a personal needs basis and can be 1:1 2:1 or group support. Each service is tailored to the individual needs and works to achieving outcomes. Many of our children move into the services as the age maintain their friendships and peer to peer learning. Please chat to us about our services and what outcomes you want to achieve, we can then suggest the most appropriate service.
Our service enables people to live in a home of their choice with people who they choose to live with. We support the person within their assessed level of needs, developing independent living skills, enable achievement of their goals and explore opportunities to increase independence.
We aim to support the person to reach their potential and to reduce the reliance on support staff by increasing their friendships and their activity within their local community.
Providing one to one support for access into the community, food and nutrition and personal care. We support assessed level of need, developing independent living skills and enabling the achievement of goals, exploring opportunities and increasing independence – reaching potential.
We focus on the person’s abilities and their goals, support is wide ranging and could be to accompany to medical appointments, shopping, hair and beauty, going to the cinema, out for lunch or supper. Everyday ordinary activities where a person needs support to do as independent as they can but needs prompt or their health and safety supported.
The service provided is tailor-made to each individual’s needs. We work within our local community and aim to increase the personal friendships and interaction in their local community, using community groups and opportunities to take part in everyday activities rather than ‘projects or disabled groupings’ reducing the need for paid staff.
Supporting both short or long term one to one or where required on a two to one basis.
As we do with the adult’s services we focus on the child’s needs and goals, working individually with each child to achieve targets and their potential.
We offer a wide variety of individualised support including after school, evenings and weekends and holiday and respite support.
We have a sensory room an activity centre, playroom and a small kitchen so we can do a variety of interactive activities, skill building and independence building, all with other children who want to ‘blow off a bit of steam’ at the end of each school day.
It’s about friendships, peer learning and getting to know new people and building up confidence, self-esteem and having others to enjoy time with, reducing isolation in a safe environment.
Please register with the Cumbria County Council portal for offers from providers for short breaks.
Small Group Working ( 3 Guys – 1 Coach)
Working to individuals personal goals and outcomes. Daily activities focuses on numeracy, literacy and making choices. These are achieved in a variety of way – and not classroom style!
Our small allotment produces many plants, fruits and vegetables, groups et involved in the planting and harvesting and in the winter months plan what they are going to plan for next season. During the growing season trip to the allotment to water and tender the produce is essential.
We get to cook, bake and taste what we grow, this helps to expand foods, flavours and textures and to try new foods. We pop by our Bake4EDEN with any crops for them to make soups and pies!
We are a valued part of the local Community Gardeners and support many of their local gardening opportunities in and around the Penrith area.
We learn all about food and drink. We explore food from around the world, we sample lots of new flavours and textures and expand our culinary skills. We learn about keeping ourselves safe with food and preparation and challenge each other to try new foods.
We make, bake, taste and share what we do. We get involved with local groups such as the Salvation Army soup kitchen and make delicious soup for local people to share.
We learn lots of things we want to know about. This could be things like learning how to use a bus or a train independently so we can travel to places without staff & family, visit friends and relatives without the need for staff cars.
We have library cards and can explore many opportunities independently. We learn how to share, talk, interact and make friendships outside of paid support work and families. It is all about what you want to learn about and teaching others about these things you can do well.
The service is bespoke to each person, but we all learn together and support each other to achieve.
GrowIT: we have our own small allotment which we grow and harvest many fruits and vegetables. We learn about how plants grow, what they need and how they taste.
We enter Cumbria in Bloom and Britain in Bloom, we grow many of our plants from seed and look after them right through the season.
We are a valued part of the local Community Gardeners and support many of their local gardening opportunities in ad around the Penrith area.
BakeIT: we learn all about food and drink. We explore food from around the world, we sample lots of new flavours and textures and expand our culinary skills. We learn about keeping ourselves safe with food and preparation and challenge each other to try new foods. We make, bake, taste and share what we do. We get involved with local groups such as the Salvation Army soup kitchen and make delicious soup for local people to share.
UdoIT: we learn lots of things we want to know about. This could be things like learning how to use a bus or a train independently so we can travel to places without staff & family, visit friends and relatives without the need for staff cars. We have library cards and can explore many opportunities independently. We learn how to share, talk, interact and make friendships outside of paid support work and families.
UdoIT is all about what you want to learn about and teaching others about these things you can do well. The service is bespoke to each person, but we all learn together and support each other to achieve.
Café Inspire: Closed, Bake4Eden opening January 2020
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